Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Just Something Pretty


JB said...

cabbage! red cabbage, right? so pretty and yummy.

Janine Serresseque said...

Robyn, you are not a real Irish person if
1. You don't like peas or mashed taties and
b. You don't recognize a cabbage.

Princess Crabass said...

I know. I'm a disgrace to my heritage. I'm not much of a beer drinker either. However, I do like my Jamison's straight up.

JB said...

Robyn - did you say "straight"?

Princess Crabass said...

Slip of the tongue.

Janine Serresseque said...

Hey, enough of your sauciness, you two. It's a holy day, fer chrissake.

JB said...

ha ha you said tongue...
oh, I crack myself up.

JB said...

Chrissake - I get it - that was funny too Janine!

Janine Serresseque said...

JB, since you are Jewish, I'm wishing you a happy Oy-ster this weekend!