Friday, February 20, 2009

Baba Wawa--Warning--Can't Stand Her

Is it just me, or is Barbara Walters getting creepier as she gets older?

I have never been an enormous fan--merely indifferent--but lately when I see her in an interview with somebody, she just sort of makes me feel uncomfortable. She makes my skin crawl.

It seems that she is just out to mine the most lurid, sensational, shameful, embarrassing bits of her subjects, then she brings them to light under the thin guise of actually caring, with the grand prize of bringing the subject to tears on camera. I get the strong impression that she feels it is more valuable to pander to the lowest common denominator than it is to educate as a journalist. Why teach us something we didn't know when you can force-feed us a second helping of trash? Yessiree, this is real journalism. I just think she is generally out of touch with what is interesting to us these days. She insults my intelligence.

I know, I know..trailblazer, feminist icon, etc. I'm sure she had her day, and I give her props for being great when she was great, but those days are gone and she has now evolved into somebody who, in my opinion, is cheap and shallow.

I laughed like crazy when Bette Midler recently commented on Barbara's tell-all biography. She said something like, "Well Barbara has a new book out and apparently she slept with everybody--I never knew she had it in her--so to speak."


Robinitaface said...

I'm with ya, pooks.

"I'm getting answers to questions that NOBODY'S asking!"

No - yeah they are, Wawa. Only it's the paparazzi as they're shoving cameras in the crotches of women while they're getting out of cars.

Anonymous said...

Yeesh. Yeah, I think that woman is officially a robot. At least her karmic punishment seems to be that her skin is at last melting off.

Janine Serresseque said...

I forgot to include the most glaring thing about Miss Wawa, which is that her Peech Inspediment seems to be getting much more pronounced with her advanced years.

pnlkotula said...


Alex said...

Stella said...

Jermaine, I have never been a fan of Bab's....Haven't been an un-fan, either.....Buttttttt, she is getting creepy, yes? I suspect that she is realizing her growing irrelevance hence, the path towards cheap "journalism"....And you know what? I am going to tell her just that the next time we have lunch!!!

Jacquie O. said...

Back in the mid 90's I had to do an infomercial for Heilig Meyers as Barbara Walters. I spent ours watching tapes to get that damn speech impediment down. And the premise was that I was a news anchor that kept interrupting everyone (like she does now!) I have a tape of it that I must show you sometime, it’s pretty damn funny. Jim Morgan was in it with me and others who I can’t remember now.

Jacquie O. said...

Sorry...I meant "hours"

Jacquie O. said...

Oh, I still have the wig...HMMM, now I know what to give you for Xmas next year!