Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Very First Flu!

Yesterday I awoke with a dry cough and a mild headache. By 2:00 in the afternoon, my entire body hurt, including my hair. Chills fluttered all over me and I had a temperature of 101.5. Today, same thing! Tylenol makes me feel better, but when it wears off I feel crappy again.

My doctor, who should be called Doctor Pill-and-Vaccine-Happy, tried really hard to push a flu shot on me. Of course I refused and stated that I had never had the flu in my life, all superior-like.

So experts, just how long does this last? If I have to sit through another day of this I'm going to plummet into a deep funk.


Princess Crabass said...

Oh no! I hope you don't have what Jill Bari had. She was sick forever! Get better. I want to come over and force you to drink wine with me.


Janine Serresseque said...

I really need this to go away fast. It does not fit into my life plan.

Janine Serresseque said...

Debra, my spiritual advisor, said I should share this...

I'm drinking Thera-Flu. It actually works great to lower a fever. How can it not, with 1,000 mg of acetaminophen in each DELICIOUS serving. I told her it smells a bit like pee and tastes like citrus-infused ass.

Going to try to come out of quarantine tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Aw, get well soon, if for no other reason than you can stop taking Thera-Flu. My flu always lasts about 7 days. BOOO.

Amy Sullivan said...

~Keep your feet warm~
~it will comfort your whole body~
~drink your tea~
~Snuggle up~

Alex said...

garlic and ginger together. hopefully you already feel better, though.

Unknown said...

Your Godson's lasted 14 days. 3 visits to Beaumont ER and temps of 102, 104 and 105.

Left-handed Batter said...

I've always found generous amounts of Jack Daniels helps me through just about anything. I'm not sayin'...I'm just saying...

Jacquie O. said...

I am with you and never get the flu shot, I sort of think it will cause me to get sick. Stupid I know.

I really do hope it's not the same thing as JB's...she was down for the count. I would cook you something, but I think it would only prolong the cold. So I am sending you kisses instead!


Janine Serresseque said...

Thanks, y'all!
I'm on the mend. It's been a week, and I'm still coughing and I sound like Lauren Bacall, which I kind of like.