Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Great Voter Turnout!

I could not have anticipated the hordes of people at my polling place this morning. I've lived in my neighborhood for ten years and have voted in loads of elections, but today's crowd was many times more than ever before. It made my heart sing to see the hundreds of people waiting patiently in the rain to vote. I got there at 6 a.m. and voted at 8:30 or so. I didn't care about the waiting or the weather. Nothing was going to keep me away!


Unknown said...

Hi Janine -- apparently enough others felt the way you did and didn't allow anything to keep them away either. It makes my heart sing to see younger people, especially, realize that they have a vested interest in the running of this wonderful country we live in! I'm over the moon that we have a truly 'presidential' man to take office next January. Won't Michele make a fantastic first lady! Yeah!!! It's so good to be in power again! Maybe this country does have a brilliant future, still. GOBAMA!!

Alex said...

yes! In the dark and rain 4 blocks long at my precinct before the polls opened. I would love to see those smiling faces today.

Anonymous said...

For real. I was gonna be pissed if there was bad turn-out over the weather, since people will apparently wait in a hail storm for the new iphone, but not to vote.

pnlkotula said...

We have a small district - only about 2,500 (we asked the man at the machine), and right at 5 p.m., we walked in with no wait, afraid the rain HAD kept them away. But he told us the rush had been in the early morning, and at that time 1,860 of the 2,500 had passed through with two more hours to go and folks just getting off work. Amazing.