I am watching Michelle Obama speak at the convention and I must say she is fantastic! She is so real and warm. And she seems to be completely untethered by notes and totally at ease. What an asset to Mr. Obama.
Anybody else watch her? What did y'all think?
Monday, August 25, 2008
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I only saw a little bit after rehearsal, but the whole picture really gave him a family-man boost, with the children talking to Daddy at the end. She is definitely a bonus and comes across as more of an equal partner than a supportive spouse in the background.
Finally watched it this morning (I was way too tired last night) and was blown away. She is as impressive as her husband, what a wonderful team to have in the White House next year.
Steve, I was blown away, too! The crowd was crazy for her. I'm so excited about this election!
I want to be her when I grow up.
I will tell you I could not stop crying all through HILLARY's speech. :)
Yeah, I saw more of Hillary's last night. She hit a home run!
Yeah, Hillary was great, too! I was inspired by her speech. I liked that she encouraged her supporters to focus in the issues, rather than the idea of Hillary. I hope she brought some of them around to the Obama camp. Bill speaks tonight! I thought I was going to catch up on my sleep when the Olympics were over, but not so much.
I didn't see much of Michelle's, but I watched all of Hillary's. Wow! She was a powerhouse!! Can't wait to see Bill tonight!!
p.s. if sassafrassjunction reads this, I caught your blog for the first time the other day. OMG are you funny!!! I look forward to reading all of your posts. I sat and read for about 45 minutes the other day.
I think Bill had a great speech. I was impressed how well he said "Barak Obama is ready to lead" so many times. It takes some of the sting out of some of his less than nice comments during the campaign. Heck even Joe Biden made it through a whole speech without putting his foot in his mouth.
I am beginning to have some hope of my own this year. Unless they rig the voting machines (an all too possible tactic) I think the Republicans will finally go down.
Did anyone see Mark Warner's address? I thought it was nice, but not up to par with Michelle, Hillary or Bill. Being out of state it is not so easy to follow his campaign, it doesn't seem like it will be even close from out here.
If not for theatre I think I would become a pundit, I love this stuff.
Steve, I too was a bit underwhelmed by Mark Warner's speech (I had no idea that he started Nextel. He must be rich as crap).
Hillary kicked ass, and Joe Biden was great, too. And I admit I'm a huge fan of Bill Clinton. Not that I'd go all Monica on him or anything, but the dude has charisma to spare.
When Michelle Obama was speaking, I was picturing Cindy McCain as the beautiful evil stepmother type character in a fairy tale, seething with envy and holding that poison apple and trying to figure out how to dispatch it to the beautiful and kind Princess Michelle.
That very scenario could be happening right now, perhaps one of the many McCain houses is a Gingerbread house deep in the woods. Okay I know I am throwing a few stories together, but it's not like we know anything about Cindy McCain outside of the fact that she is richer than God.
I already have the convention on, and have never so looked forward to a speech in my life. We are letting the kids stay up late, this is freaking history in the making in a way that has not happened (at least not in a positive way) in my lifetime.
Warner may not be a great speaker, especially around the likes of the Clintons and Obamas, but he should be a hell of a senator. I will never forget watching him sleep through Honk, well dozing a little. The man was obviously exhausted but still took the time to take the kids to a show. One of his security guys was really into the show, of course another was playing games on his cell phone, but even as good as Honk was, singing swans ain't for everyone...what was I talking about?
I remember Mark Warner sitting through Bat Boy - looking rather stoic and...confused?
@ Joy: Thanks so much! :) And hey, I would have returned the favor, but there were no posts on your blog!
@ Janine: I just added you to my blogroll!!
I suppose this cements our internet friendship, like swapping some kind of fiendish online BFF heart pendant.
Sorsh, it's an honor to be in your sphere!
I'm a little late finding this entry, but I just wanted to send out a hearty "heck yeah!" I was so incredibly impressed with Michelle and her speech. I am very excited to see what the Obamas will accomplish!
Friends and compatriots,
We are writing to you because of the fury and dread we have felt since the announcement of Sarah Palin as the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Republican Party. We believe that this terrible decision has surpassed mere partisanship, and that it is a dangerous farce—on the part of a pandering and rudderless Presidential candidate—that has a real possibility of becoming fact.
Perhaps like us, as American women, you share the fear of what Ms. Palin and her professed beliefs and proven record could lead to for ourselves and for our present and future daughters. To date, she is against a woman's right to choose, environmental protection, alternative energy development, freedom of speech (as mayor she repeatedly brought up the question of banning books), gun control, the separation of church and state, and polar bears.
We want to clarify that we are not against Sarah Palin as a woman, a mother, or, for that matter, a parent of a pregnant teenager, but solely as a rash, incompetent, and all together devastating choice for Vice President. Ms. Palin's political views are in every way a slap in the face to the accomplishments that our mothers and grandmothers so fiercely fought for, and that we've so demonstrably benefited from.
First and foremost, Ms. Palin does not represent us. She does not demonstrate or uphold our interests as American women. It is presumed that the inclusion of a woman on the Republican ticket could win over women voters. We want to disagree, publicly.
Therefore, we invite you to submit with a short, succinct message about why you, as a woman living in this country, do not support this candidate as second-in-command for our nation:
We will post your responses on a blog called "Women Against Sarah Palin," which we intend to publicize as widely as possible. Please send us your reply at your earliest convenience-the greater the volume of responses we receive, the stronger our message will be.
Thank you for your time and action.
Quinn L. and Lyra K.
New York, NY
**PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY! If you send this to 20 women in the next hour, you could be blessed with a country that takes your concerns seriously. Stranger things have happened.
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