Sunday, June 29, 2008

Meet My Vespa

I have been riding my scooter a lot lately! Yeah, it's economical as hell, but I mostly ride it because it's cute and sexy. Andy's got one, too. His is white. Together we are an unstoppable force of cuteness. I think I just puked in my mouth a little when I typed that.


JB said...

after I move - whenever that may be - I want one of those just to go around the fan in. It seems economical and fun. Do they come in pink?

Janine Serresseque said...

Yes, they do. I'm going to send you a picture of a pink scooter just to make you smile.

Princess Crabass said...

Me too! Me too!

Janine Serresseque said...

MFG, now that you know they come in pink, and you cannot take the bus to work, perhaps you will reconsider your stance against scooter riding? I mean, how cute would you look on a pink scooter? Please.

Princess Crabass said...

Believe it or not, I'm thiking about it!

Princess Crabass said...

In case you thought that I was so lazy that I didn't read my message before publishing it, "thiking" means trying to talk Ginnie into pink.

Amy Gethins Sullivan said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being cute : ) ! Cute ,is the new cool.
I am sure that scooters & bikes are going to be taking over the roads very soon.
Gabriel says, that you see whole family's & grocery bags piled on one scooter, in China!
So, there may even be hope for me & my gang getting a scooter some day.
Just close your eyes and imagine it... Stop laughing !

JB said...

I totally love the pink ones - thanks for sending them - now I am definetly getting one next year - Hey Robyn and Janine - we can all go riding together - we will have to think of a name for ourselves and get matching jackets!

Janine Serresseque said...

The Pink Team

Princess Crabass said...

We can all ride our scooters to Can-Can for happy hour!

pnlkotula said...

Do they come with sidecars?

Janine Serresseque said...

Lisa, yes, some of them do come with sidecars! You can ride the scooter. I will drink the cocktails at Can Can and ride in the sidecar. There. It's settled.