Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Joy, Sadness, Death, Birth

And all happening within the space of a few days. My dear friend and co-worker Sara and her fantastic partner Carlos welcomed their first child, a son, into the world today. This comes on the heels of Sara's mom's funeral, which was yesterday. I am trying to imagine what it's like to lose your mother and have your first child, all in the space of three days. Having never been through either experience, I can only estimate the weight of going through both simultaneously. I haven't spoken to them yet, but my heart was warmed to see a picture of their absolutely beautiful son on my friend JB's website:

Sara and Carlos, I send you loads of love. And I am in awe of your strength as individuals, and more importantly, as a family.


JB said...

beautifully put. :)

Unknown said...

Just think that those two beautiful souls must have passed each other on the way into and out of heaven. God bless those new parents with the knowledge that their mother is looking down on her grandchild with great pleasure and love. Otherwise, why would they call it 'Heaven?' They do not know me, but I send them my love, regardless.