If you haven't gone to Skateworld to see the River City Roller Girls, you are in for a treat. It's everything you'd imagine and more. Thrills, spills, tough-looking chicks on roller skates whizzing around the track, all the while bobbling around trying to either get to the front of the pack or block girls from getting to the front of the pack. The part I like the best is when a whole bunch of skaters have a giant wipeout and fall in a big pile right in front of me! It's just plain addictive! Find out more about these rockin' bitches at www.myspace.com/rivercityrollergirls.
Tickets are 10 bucks in advance (a little more at the door) and you can bring your own everything, including booze! You can even bring your own chair, and I recommend that, seeing as they don't have chairs at Skateworld. But look at the place!

It looks like George Jetson designed it. I hear tell it's the oldest skating rink in Richmond. They serve an underwhelming array of food that ranges from A to B. I'm talking real crap, like pretzels and very nasty pizza and possibly Mountain Dew. So bring your own, already!
Thanks for the recommendation - sounds like a creative date night for my wife and I!
Oh yeah, ya gotta try it at least once! Not many locales can boast that they have women's roller derby! It makes for very entertaining chatter at the workplace on Monday.
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