The weight loss challenge has come to an end, and I am victorious. As of Thursday morning, I was down 6.2 pounds, and as of this morning another 1.2 less than that. I'm trying not to be too show-offy about this, as that would be unclassy. But I am pretty stoked (yikes--1980 called. They want their slang back) that I made it through Thanksgiving without gaining anything.
We had a great Thanksgiving in Wytheville. The great big kitchen was abuzz with activity and way too many cooks. I think I counted 5 people at once trying to prepare various dishes. It was pandemonium, but when we sat down, everything was finished at the same time and delicious. I especially enjoyed Andy's stuffing, made the way his mum makes it. It's an onion and sage stuffing that's flattened out and fried crispy in a pan. Yum!
You'd think that I'd have taken a ton of pictures with all the fall splendor around me, but I was kind of busy driving through the mountains. I did notice this billboard and it struck me as funny:
I guess "aiming high" means different things to different people. Not that there's anything shameful about getting your GED, but isn't that kind of a Plan B ?
Yep, I'm a snob. There, I've said it.